Blinking Domo

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Anyways, Happy swiming!
Hiya jammers!

GUESS WHAT?! OCEANS ARE FINALLY HERE! There is three different kind of oceans. Bahari bay, Deep blue, and Crystal reef. You can go into the oceans even if your a seal! What are you waiting for? hurry to the awesome oceans and splash in! :D

There is new clothes too. A pirate hat and a pink lei! This is totally not fair! Members gets like 6 sutff and we nonmembers get 2! >:( Im mad at you AJ!

Im not going to post about new animals cause they are only for members

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some more Codes!

Hey jammers!
Some new codes, coralreef and spooky
Thanks ironwulf for telling me! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New stuff!

OMG guys! new stuff!

First off, the most important one,......GLOVES! Yessiree, gloves are back. There is only a purple for non members:(

Second, for furniture, there is an A shaped book shelf (i think it means animal jam).

Last of all, New lands and a new animal is coming! The new land is an ocean, and i think the animal is a shark. I canot wait until the new stuff comes out!:D

Happy jamming everybody!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Jammers, im so sory for not coming to the party! i suddenly had to do some busy stuff! I will continue to post now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


i decided to have a party! 
Server: Alden
Place: Crystal sands
Time: Korea: 2:00 pm
Date: August 4
Guys, im sorry i have only korea time. You will have to find the time yourself.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

oh no!

oh no! there is a missing child! this is knight magicclaws child and she misses her desperatley! please help her find her child.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pass This On (from Woodswolf)

Here's our situation:
For the past month, AJ HQ has failed to shift the colors of clothing items, one of the most important things in Jamaa. Non-members have been unable to change item colors since around March/April. If they can't change the color of what clothes they wear, they can look pretty despicable with their favorite colors on and nothing to match them.
That's where CHIP-IN for CHUMPS comes in. We should all try, twice a month, to give non-members the stuff they need in the colors they want. It would make their day if they received the item they were really needing! It would also help the 'image' of members just to be there, as many non-members despise them for being 'sick, ignorant in-your-faces' as some could tell you they are. I don't agree with that stereotype; and you don't have to either!
Help the people in need, Help them to not plead!
Where: CHIP-IN for CHUMPS meets in Jamaa Township any old day, but there are big gatherings on Saturdays.
WHEN: Saturdays are the main meetings (At whatever time), but any day, any time. Need knows no season!
WHAT: A simple gathering. Inform non-members what you're doing as part of CHIP-IN for CHUMPS, ask if they would like anything (Please inform them that they can't wear member items... not everyone knows that), and get it for them. Tell them to trade in an item of equal or more value, to be fair to you.

BLOG OWNERS: Please pass this along!

new new new!

First of all, there is something called pet wash in crystal sands! i can't do it because i dont have a pet...:'(

Next, there is a new pet! *drum roll*..........BUTTERFLIES! my prediction was right! but i cant buy it either

Now there is bunch of new plushies! they have lots and lots of different colors and fashions.

sigh....more old items....spiked hair...

Finally a purple lamp and a hover table..more old items...-sigh-
happy jammin!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my AJ family!

Im making my own AJ family! tell me your username and  i will add you. here are the choices,
Father: me!
Mother: in need
Children: in need
Grandmother: in need
Grandfather: in need

Monday, July 18, 2011

new stuff!

i logged on to animal jam and i saw WATERSLIDES! there is 3 water slides i think.
and then there was a new pet coming up! i think it's a butterfly or type of bird. Next, there is some new furniture and clothes items. it's a beach towel and a astronaut hat. Finally there is a spinning wheel which you will see everyday, if you go on 3 days, you will get lots of gems~!

hey guys!

hi guys! im nichkhun and my animal is general toughclaws(wolf)